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Demystifying Bare Trusts: A Refreshingly Simple Approach to Asset Management

Oct 16, 2023 By Kelly Walker

In finance, trusts can seem like a complex and mysterious territory. But fear not because today we're here to demystify one type of trust: the bare trust. We will break down the concept of bare trust in plain, simple language that anyone can understand.

So, if you've ever wondered what a bare trust is and how it might relate to your financial affairs, keep reading. We're about to embark on a journey that will make you the "trust expert" at your next family gathering!

Understanding Bare Trusts: A Simplified Guide

When managing assets, various tools and strategies are at our disposal. One such tool is a bare trust, a fundamental element in Estate Planning and asset management. In this guide, we will delve into the world of Bare Trusts, breaking down what they are, how they work, and why they matter.

What Exactly Is a Bare Trust?

A bare trust is a simple legal arrangement wherein a designated individual, known as the trustee, assumes responsibility for the holding and administration of assets on behalf of another individual, referred to as the beneficiary. It's like a friend holding your wallet while you're swimming – they have it, but it's yours. Here are the key elements that define a bare trust:

The trustee is the individual responsible for managing the assets held in the trust. They have legal ownership of these assets but are bound by a fiduciary duty to act in the beneficiary's best interests.

The Beneficiary: The beneficiary is the person for whom the assets are trusted. They possess what is referred to as the 'beneficial interest' in the trust, signifying their entitlement to both the trust's income and capital.

The Trust Property: The trust property is an essential component of a bare trust, encompassing a wide range of assets, including money, real estate, and investments, which are held by the trustee for the ultimate benefit of the beneficiary.

Why Opt for a Bare Trust?

Now that you understand what bare trust is and how it functions, let's explore why someone might choose this type of trust over other options. Here are some compelling reasons:


Bare Trusts are remarkably straightforward, devoid of intricate legal frameworks or complex arrangements. Their simplicity renders them a favored option for managing assets directly and uncomplicatedly.

Tax Efficiency

Depending on the jurisdiction, Bare Trusts can offer tax advantages. Income generated within the trust may be taxed at the beneficiary's tax rate, potentially reducing the overall tax liability.


Bare Trusts offer a robust mechanism for those keen on directing the precise utilization of their assets. In this setup, the trustee is responsible for adhering to the settlor's wishes, guaranteeing that the funds are employed precisely as originally intended by the trust's creator. This control ensures the assets align closely with the settlor's specific objectives and preferences.

Asset Protection

Bare Trusts can offer a layer of protection for assets held within them. They may shield the trust property from potential creditors or legal claims in certain circumstances, safeguarding the beneficiary's interests. This protection can be precious when asset preservation is a top priority, such as protecting family wealth for future generations.


Bare Trusts often provide a degree of privacy, as they may not require public disclosure of the trust's details or beneficiaries. This confidentiality can be appealing to individuals who value their financial privacy. It can also be advantageous for high-profile individuals or those who wish to keep their financial affairs discreet.


Bare Trusts offer flexibility in terms of asset management. Trustees are free to invest, reinvest, or manage the assets in line with the settlor's objectives, allowing for adaptability in changing financial circumstances. This flexibility can be particularly beneficial for individuals with dynamic financial goals or those seeking to maximize investment opportunities.

Estate Planning

Bare Trusts are invaluable instruments in the realm of Estate Planning. Their utility lies in their ability to facilitate the seamless transfer of assets directly to beneficiaries, circumventing the complexities, delays, and potential expenses typically entailed by the probate process.

This efficiency streamlines the inheritance journey, ensuring a swifter and more cost-effective distribution of assets to those intended.

Bare Trusts in Real Life: Practical Applications

Bare Trusts find relevance in various real-life scenarios. Here are a few practical applications:

Property Ownership

Imagine you and your sibling inherit a cherished family home. In this scenario, you can establish a bare trust, where one sibling assumes the role of the trustee while the other becomes the beneficiary. Here, the trustee holds the legal title to the property, but the beneficiary still enjoys a rightful share in its overall value.

This arrangement ensures that the property's ownership remains clear and accessible to both parties.

Gifts to Minors

Parents have the flexibility to establish Bare Trusts on behalf of their children. Various assets can be securely held Within these trusts. These assets serve the child's welfare, covering essential expenses like education costs.

Estate Planning

As a vital component of a well-thought-out estate plan, individuals often turn to Bare Trusts to efficiently allocate assets to their heirs. By doing so, they can sidestep the protracted probate procedures and mitigate the likelihood of inheritance disputes cropping up down the road. This strategic utilization of Bare Trusts adds a layer of simplicity and security to the legacy-planning process.


So, there you have it - a comprehensive yet simplified guide to understanding Bare Trusts. These versatile financial tools can be valuable to your asset management and Estate Planning strategy.

Whether you're considering setting up a trust for your grandchild's education fund or exploring ways to streamline Property Ownership with a sibling, Bare Trustsoffers a straightforward and effective solution.

Remember, clarity and simplicity often yield the best results when it comes to financial matters. Armed with this knowledge, you can confidently navigate the world of trusts without getting lost in corporate jargon or complex legalese.

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